What happened to the Digital Princess? Everything You Need To Know


In the vast and ever-changing landscape of social media, few stories capture the complex dynamics of fame, accountability, and redemption as vividly as that of Marissa Cloutier, better known as Digital Princess. Her journey from a beloved social media influencer to facing legal troubles, and her attempts at navigating the aftermath, underscores the fragile balance between public persona and personal responsibility.

Who is Digital Princess?

Digital Princess, or Marissa Cloutier, is a multifaceted social media influencer, Twitch streamer, and entrepreneur. She initially carved out a niche for herself within the gaming community as Pokeprincxss, but her content has since evolved to include a broader range of interests such as dance, makeup, and lifestyle. A single mother, Cloutier has openly shared her journey of balancing her burgeoning online career with raising her son.


Cloutier’s online persona, Digital Princess, boasts a significant following across various platforms. On TikTok, she entertains 2.2 million followers with her creative content, while her Instagram account is a showcase of her life, interests, and endorsements, captivating nearly 300,000 followers. Beyond content creation, Cloutier has ventured into entrepreneurship with an online thrift store, further expanding her brand beyond digital content.

What happened to the Digital Princess?

Marissa Cloutier’s trajectory took a controversial turn in 2021 when she faced child neglect charges after her son was found alone outside their home. Though the charges were later dropped due to insufficient evidence, the incident ignited a firestorm of criticism and scrutiny among her audience and the wider online community. Additionally, Cloutier’s legal battle with Nintendo over the use of “Pokeprincxss” led to a rebranding, marking a significant pivot in her online identity.

How old is Digital Princess?

Born on January 17, 1997, Digital Princess is currently 27 years old. Her Capricorn tenacity and resilience have been evident as she navigates the challenges and triumphs of her career and personal life.

Why is Digital Princess so famous?

Cloutier’s fame can be attributed to her engaging and relatable content, which resonates with a wide audience. Her openness about her life’s ups and downs, coupled with her creative talents, has endeared her to millions, making her a prominent figure in the digital world.

Marissa Cloutier’s Net Worth

Digital Princess has parlayed her social media influence into a lucrative career, with an estimated net worth between $5 million and $6 million. Her income streams from social media partnerships, merchandise sales, and her entrepreneurial endeavors underscore her success in monetizing her online presence.

Is Digital Princess Married?

Marissa Cloutier is not married and is currently focusing on her role as a single mother to her son, Onix, born in 2016. Her commitment to her son and her career has been a central theme in her online narrative.

Digital Princess’ Height

Standing at 5 feet 6 inches tall, Cloutier’s presence is as commanding offline as it is online. Her physical appearance, combined with her dynamic personality, has contributed to her appeal as a social media influencer.


The story of Digital Princess is a testament to the complexities of modern fame. Marissa Cloutier’s journey from gaming enthusiast to social media star, through legal troubles and personal growth, reflects the nuanced reality of life in the digital spotlight. As she continues to evolve, her story serves as a compelling narrative of resilience, redemption, and the power of reinvention.

FAQs About Digital Princess
  1. What led to Digital Princess’ legal troubles?
    Marissa Cloutier faced child neglect charges in 2021 and a cease-and-desist from Nintendo over her use of the name Pokeprincxss.
  2. How has Digital Princess responded to her controversies?
    Cloutier has been open about her challenges, using her platforms to address the incidents and engage with her audience.
  3. What kind of content does Digital Princess create?
    She produces a wide range of content, including gaming, lifestyle, dance, and makeup videos.
  4. How has Digital Princess’ brand evolved over time?
    Following legal challenges, she rebranded from Pokeprincxss to Digital Princess, diversifying her content and entrepreneurial ventures.
  5. What message does Digital Princess’ story convey to her followers?
    Her journey underscores the importance of accountability, resilience, and the capacity for personal and professional growth amidst adversity.

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