8 Signs of Fake nice people you really need to be aware of

8 Signs of Fake nice people you really need to be aware of

When you’ve been working in the helping profession for a while, spotting fake people gets a bit easier.

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There are some very clear signs that the person you are looking at is hiding something, acting somehow, or simply wanting to get somewhere. Most often, there is a secondary gain—perhaps attention, sympathy, or even a promotion.

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8 Signs of Fake nice people you really need to be aware of

  1. Genuine people respect everyone while Fake people tend to only respect people with power.
  2. Genuine people don’t go around seeking attention while Fake people are desperately seeking attention.
  3. Genuine People don’t try to make people like them while Fake people try hard to make people like them.
  4. Genuine people don’t brag while Fake people like showing off all the time
  5. Genuine people tend to express their opinions openly while Fake people gossip a lot
  6. Genuine people are nice and helpful most of the time while are only nice when they have a hidden agenda.
  7. Genuine people always try their best to live up to their promises while Fake people make commitments easily, but seldom keep them
  8. Genuine people admire others and often praise others while Fake people criticize others to make themselves look great

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Remember that life is a rollercoaster. It has good moments, tough moments, and moments you wouldn’t change for the world. So, look around and make sure that you take the time to choose the right people to share it all with.

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