Aslay, previously a part of Tanzania’s renowned Yamoto Band and famed for his hit “Natamba,” has recently released a new single named “Kilanga Komo.”
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“Aslay’s song Kilanga Komo is an expressive piece that delves into the complexities of a relationship marked by infidelity. The lyrics poignantly explore the emotional turmoil of loving and caring for someone who is unfaithful. Aslay’s narrative is one of deep affection and protection towards his partner despite the constant pain and betrayal he faces. He uses vivid imagery to express his feelings and experiences, depicting a situation where he’s been deceived, akin to buying a goat in a sack only to find something entirely different inside.
listen to “Aslay – Kilanga Komo ” below
AUDIO Aslay – Kilanga Komo MP3 DOWNLOAD
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