6 reasons African women wear waist beads (Shanga)

6 reasons African women wear waist beads (Shanga)
6 reasons African women wear waist beads (Shanga)

1. Sexual Appeal
It is believed that a woman in waist beads is sexually appealing to men. Most African men love to see their women in beads.

Most of them have also admitted that seeing a woman in waist bead turns them on. They love to play with it as their women lay in their arms or during sexual activities as well.

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2. Body Shapers
Waist beads serve as a natural waist trainers for some women. Wearing beads can easily tell an African woman whether she is gaining or losing weight.

3. Traditional Practices
There’s a belief that beads improve a woman’s curves. Hence, beads are worn around African baby girls to enhance their curves and also to give them shape as they reach their adolescent stage.

4. Healing and Meditation
Some People also believe that waist beads have some healing and protective charms that keep danger away. They are said to heal stress, anxiety or relax the nerves during pregnancy

5. Heritage and Pride
Sometimes the waist beads are just a show of love for the Ghanaian heritage and African heritage at large

6. Maturity and Growth
Many communities put these beads on their girls as a rite of passage and adorn them to show that they have passed from girls to women.



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