Comedian Eric Omondi was arrested on Tuesday, June 3, after leading a protest against the Finance Act 2024 outside the Parliament building. The demonstrators, carrying placards with “Mama Mboga Revolution” slogans, opposed the new tax law, fearing it would burden the common citizen.
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In a video of the protest, participants symbolically scattered vegetables, including sukuma wiki (collard greens), at the Parliament’s entrance. Eric, dressed in an outfit resembling a police uniform, attempted to control the protestors before real police officers detained him.
Omondi later posted a video of the incident on Instagram, condemning the Finance Act 2024. He wrote, “We will not allow this government to kill and suffocate Kenyans with the Finance Act 2024!!! Kenyans are suffering and dying in hospitals without medicine while they tax us to buy cars, houses, and expensive travel abroad.”
This is not Omondi’s first act of activism. In April 2023, he staged a protest in Nairobi’s Central Business District (CBD) against the high cost of living, where he climbed a moving bus and threatened to jump to get the government’s attention. He was arrested and charged with creating a disturbance.
Eric Omondi continues to use his platform to highlight the struggles of ordinary Kenyans and demand government accountability.
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