In a dramatic turn of events, police in South Florida raided the home of singer Sean Kingston, resulting in the arrest of his mother, Janice Turner, on Thursday morning, May 23. The arrest follows allegations that Kingston defrauded a tech company over a $150,000 television and sound system deal.
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The raid was conducted by the Broward County Sheriff’s Office and Davie Police SWAT at Kingston’s luxurious Southwest Ranches property. It remains unclear if Kingston, whose real name is Kisean Paul Anderson, was present during the raid.
Kingston’s 61-year-old mother, known as “Mama Kingston” on Instagram, was taken into custody on multiple fraud and theft charges. This action stems from a lawsuit filed in February by Ver Ver Entertainment LLC, which accuses Kingston of breach of contract and fraud.
According to the lawsuit, Kingston purchased a 232-inch Colossal TV and sound system from Ver Ver in September 2023, promising to make promotional videos featuring his friend Justin Bieber to lower the cost. However, the company alleges that Kingston never intended to produce the promotional content and failed to pay the agreed amount.
Despite completing the installation, Kingston did not fulfill his payment obligations or create the promised promotional videos, leading to the current legal action. This incident adds to Kingston’s history of legal troubles, including previous judgments for unpaid luxury items.
The case highlights the ongoing issues with fraudulent activities involving high-profile individuals and the importance of contractual integrity in business transactions.