Shatta Bongo, a renowned African underground producer, sound engineer, and music artist known for his work with both emerging talents and superstars, has released a new music track titled “Dubai is Bae.” Enjoy!
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“Shatta Bongo’s song ‘Dubai is Bae‘ is a vibrant tribute to the city of Dubai, portrayed as a symbol of luxury and a dream destination. The track, which runs for approximately 2 minutes and 31 seconds, is imbued with an upbeat Afro-vernacular style, resonating with themes of admiration and the aspirational allure of Dubai’s opulent lifestyle. Released by Shatta Bongo. The song’s appeal lies in its ability to blend catchy rhythms with a lyrical appreciation for one of the world’s most iconic cities, making it a popular choice among fans who celebrate both the music and the high-end imagery it evokes”.
listen to ” Shatta Bongo – Dubai is Bae” below
AUDIO Shatta Bongo – Dubai is Bae MP3 DOWNLOAD
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