Joh Makini, a prominent Tanzanian Bongo Hip-hop artist renowned for his skillful rhymes and wordplay, continues to be a major influence in Tanzania and across Africa. He has recently released a new music video for his track “Formula,” a Bongo Rap sensation that showcases his lyrical prowess and artistic creativity.
RELATED: Joh Makini – Mafanikio Ft Otuck William
“Formula” is a recent musical collaboration between Joh Makini, Jay Melody, and Bien, released under the title “Formula (Moto Zimelia).” This track features a blend of Bongo Rap and soulful melodies, marking an important entry into the 2024 music scene. Joh Makini, a well-respected figure in Tanzanian hip-hop, brings his lyrical prowess to the forefront, while Jay Melody and Bien enhance the song with their vocal talents.
Watch, “Joh Makini – Formula Ft. Bien X Jay Melody” below;
VIDEO Joh Makini – Formula Ft. Bien X Jay Melody MP4 DOWNLOAD
Also, check more tracks from Joh Makini;