“Misu Na Misu” by Robinio Mundibu, released on June 6, 2019, stands as a vibrant showcase of his musical prowess, blending Afrobeat rhythms with energetic choreography. The song, which means “eye to eye” in Lingala, celebrates the joy of dance and connection, encouraging listeners to move in sync with the music. The track gained attention not only for its infectious beat but also for its controversial lyrics that led to censorship by the DRC’s National Censorship Commission due to perceived sexually suggestive content. Despite this, “Misu Na Misu” enjoyed immense popularity, becoming a staple in bars and discos across Africa and amassing significant views on YouTube.
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Congolese recording artist and dancer, Robinio Mundibu came through with a brand new banger titled Misu Na Misu.
listen to “Robinio Mundibu – Misu Na Misu ” below
AUDIO Robinio Mundibu – Misu Na Misu MP3 DOWNLOAD
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