The Pros and Cons of Dating a Conventionally Attractive Person

The Pros and Cons of Dating a Conventionally Attractive Person

When it comes to dating, most people would agree that physical attractiveness plays a role in the decision-making process. While it’s easy to say that looks don’t matter, the truth is that most people are drawn to those who meet society’s standards of beauty. However, dating someone who is conventionally attractive has both its benefits and drawbacks.

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Conventionally attractive individuals are those whose looks align with the cultural norms of beauty. Standards vary across the globe, but in North America and Europe, the ideal for women is often tall, blonde-haired, and blue-eyed, while men are expected to have a toned build, a two-day-old beard, and perfectly coiffed hair. In Nigeria, the beauty ideal for women is a youthful, curvy figure with light skin and an oval face, while men are expected to have a full beard and a toned physique.

At first glance, dating someone who is conventionally attractive might seem like a dream come true. But as with most things in life, there are both pros and cons to this type of relationship.

Pros of Dating a Conventionally Attractive Person
  1. Feeling Good About Yourself

Dating someone who is considered conventionally attractive can make you feel good about yourself. When people notice you with an attractive partner, it can boost your self-esteem and make you feel more confident.

  1. More Attention

When you’re with someone who is conventionally attractive, you may receive more attention from others, which can be a boost to your ego. This can make you feel more desirable and confident.

  1. Eye-Catching Dates

Going out with an attractive partner can make your dates more exciting. You’ll be turning heads and may get preferential treatment at restaurants or clubs.

  1. Physical Compatibility

Physical attraction is an important part of any relationship. When you’re dating someone who is conventionally attractive, there’s a good chance that you’ll have a strong physical connection.

Cons of Dating a Conventionally Attractive Person
  1. Jealousy and Anxiety

When you’re dating someone who is conventionally attractive, you may feel jealous or anxious about the attention they receive from others. This can lead to feelings of insecurity and can be a source of tension in the relationship.

  1. Superficiality

Some people may assume that you’re only interested in your partner’s looks, which can be hurtful and stigmatizing. This can make it difficult to have a genuine connection with others.

  1. High Maintenance

People who meet conventional beauty standards often require a lot of time, money, and effort to maintain their appearance. This can be a source of stress and financial strain in the relationship.

  1. Ego and Entitlement

Conventionally attractive people may have larger egos and a sense of entitlement. This can lead to selfish behavior and a lack of empathy for others.

In conclusion, dating a conventionally attractive person has both its pros and cons. While it can be exciting to be with someone who turns heads, it can also be a source of anxiety and jealousy. Ultimately, the decision to date someone should be based on more than just their physical appearance. It’s important to connect with someone on a deeper level to build a strong, meaningful relationship.

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