For how long to boil Egg?

For how long to boil Egg?
For how long to boil Egg?

Boiling eggs is a staple in many households and a great way to enjoy a quick and easy breakfast. However, the time it takes to boil an egg can vary depending on the level of doneness you prefer.

First, let’s talk about soft-boiled eggs. These are eggs that have been boiled for a short period of time, resulting in a runny yolk and a slightly set white. To achieve this level of doneness, boil the eggs for 3-4 minutes.

Next, we have semi-solid yolk eggs, also known as medium-boiled eggs. These eggs have been boiled for a slightly longer period of time, resulting in a yolk that is semi-solid and a white that is fully set. To achieve this level of doneness, boil the eggs for 5-6 minutes.

Finally, we have hard-boiled eggs. These eggs have been boiled for the longest period of time, resulting in a fully solid yolk and a fully set white. To achieve this level of doneness, boil the eggs for 9-12 minutes.

It’s important to note that the size of the eggs, altitude, and the initial temperature of the eggs will affect the boiling time. A good rule of thumb is to start testing the eggs a minute or two before the suggested time.

When boiling eggs, it’s also important to remember to cool them down quickly after boiling. This can be done by placing them in a bowl of iced water for a few minutes. This will stop the cooking process and make the eggs easier to peel.

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